We got a pair of Showtec moving heads real cheap, 250 Phantom washes. But neither worked correctly.
After a bit of investigation and parts swapping, we rebuilt one unit out of the two intro a fully working unit.
The second unit had no electronics left, the transformer was dead, the main PCB was dead and the drive board for the colour mixer was fried too…
Our plan is to use an Arduion Mega to replace all that dead electronics and be able to get the second unit up and running. Hopefully it will be successful and actually work better than the old electronics, in which case we will upgrade No1.
The noise in the video is a dying 80mm fan for cooling the metal halide lamp.. We have since replaced both fans. We are looking to replace the old lamp with a LED Corn but need to work out if we can get the same or bettter light output. If we can it should run a bit cooler.
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